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Top 10 Cartoon Movie Mean Boys


So we’re all familiar with the whole “mean girl” trope in entertainment. However, I’ve noticed several times where the trope is used on the opposite sex. Considering I already have a Cartoon Movie Mean Girls list, I figured I might as well focus on the boys this time. Like the girls list, several of these characters are villainous but they still qualify if I don’t see them at the same level as characters like Scar or Judge Claude Frollo.

#10: Nigel- Rio

Nigel is a savage cockatoo who basically works for Marcel as a henchman (or should I say "henchbird"?). Due to his glory days as a TV star being hijacked by a Parakeet, he now has a hatred for whomever he considers "pretty birds". I know Rio is not exactly a favorite, but there's no denying that Nigel was as menacing as he was hilarious and is one of the funniest and most over dramatic characters of the franchise. He has somewhat of a bigger role in the second film than the first, and he's even more insane in the second one than the first. In his defense, he's in the unfortunate position of dealing with a psychotic poisonous frog who's obsessed with him (for some strange reason).  Rio may not be the most memorable franchise, but I love the movies and Nigel was a real standout. But he's also insane.

#9: Chick Hicks- Cars

The Cars franchise actually has 3 different mean boys. I've never seen Cars 2 so I can't really judge Francisco. I have however seen Cars 3  and Jackson was kind-of bland. Chick Hicks on the other hand started it all and is probably the most memorable and menacing of the mean boys on Cars. While it was obvious that Lightning was a jerk, he was still mellow in comparison to Hicks. Hicks was not only EXTREMELY full of himself, but he also showed that he was willing to do anything to win as he caused The King to crash in the first movie, nearly killing him. While the crowd made their distaste for him clear at the end of the first movie, Hicks never really faced any consequences of his actions as he returns in Cars 3  as a talk-show host and wasted no time bragging about his win.

#8: Barkis Bittern- Corpse Bride

It was kind-of obvious that Barkis was a jerk from the start of the movie as he wasted no time wooing Victoria's family and making Victor look like an idiot (not that he needed much help, Victor's a wimp). And I highly doubt anyone was surprised to find out that he was only in it for the money, only to discover that there is no money. However, we were most likely surprised when it was revealed that he's the one responsible for Emily's death at the altar. I think what makes that moment even more irritating is that not only does he insist his dominance over Victoria ( and for no reason considering he found out she's broke), but he was real smug about Emily's murder. However, his smug behavior was also his undoing as he drank poison without realizing it until the very last minute. 

#7: Ernesto de la Cruz- Coco

The thing about Ernesto is that we've seen his type of arch before, but it was so well written it's kind-of hard to care. Ernesto is originally seen as this icon who was willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. However, it is soon made clear how far he's willing to go in order to Seize His Moment. We find out that not only did he steal his best friend's songs, but he also murdered him in order to do that when Hector wants out. Ernesto was also willing to murder a child in order to preserve his legacy. This should come off as generic, but somehow it doesn't. It just comes off as natural. Ernesto gets his just deserts ironically the same way he did when he was alive by getting crushed by a giant bell. That's gotta be a painful way to go.

#6: Prince Charming- Shrek

While Lord Farquad is a stronger villain and a contender for this list, I ultimately went with Prince Charming because I feel he's kind-of underrated and doesn't get enough credit. Most of the time we see him in Shrek 2, he's an egotistical spoiled little mama's boy salty that the princess he was supposed to marry has already married someone else. He develops somewhat of a backbone in Shrek The Third when he takes it upon himself to get revenge on Shrek and take over the kingdom of Far Far Away by force. He even gets all of the villains to take his side. That's kind-of impressive in my opinion. Not that it matters, even with this, he's not as skillful as he thinks as he was easily overpowered by Shrek and met his end at the hands of Dragon and the castle (watch the movie).

#5: Lord Victor Quartermaine- Wallace & Gromit: The Curse Of The Were-Rabbit

Like Barkis, Victor was into Lady Tottington for her cash. But Wallace came into the picture and a little competition ensued (whether Wallace knew it or not). Even before Wallace, Victor had no chance with Totty as she was a bunny lover while he had no problem shooting bunnies with little to no hesitation. You can only imagine his delight when he discovers that his rival for Totty's affection is also the terrifying Were-Rabbit whom Totty refused to have killed until more than halfway through the movie. Victor has the upper hand until he wittingly reveals he's aware of Wallace's identity. While he does succeed in killing Wallace for a brief second, he soon gets his just deserts at the hands of Totty, Gromit and even his own dog. That's gotta suck for him, but he deserved it.

#4: Sid Phillips- Toy Story

Behold, the little brat that started it all for Pixar. Sid served as Andy's next door neighbor who showcased a disturbing love for torturing toys. Seriously, this kid is every toy's worst nightmare as he made some of the most disturbing, creepiest and ugliest toys that anyone has ever seen. It was literally toy Hell. Thankfully, those poor toys decided that enough was enough and give him a taste of his own medicine by scaring him into treating his toys better. Sid is never seen again after the first movie. I'm hoping he never played with another toy after the incident out of being too traumatized. I know a toy's goal is to make the kid happy, but in Sid's case, make his life a living Hell. In the words of Woody, Play Nice.

#3: Hans- Frozen

Hans in my opinion is what Charming wishes he could be. When we first meet Hans, he's the handsome prince from the Southern Isles who got a little too infatuated with Anna to the point where he decided to marry her on the spot. Elsa was not okay with this for obvious reasons, leading her to run away, and Anna to go after her meeting Kristoff in the process. Like the supportive boyfriend he is, Hans stayed behind to watch over Arendelle. Talk about a load of BULL. He couldn't care less about Anna as this was all an act to take over Arendelle. He planned on framing Elsa for killing Anna and then kill Elsa himself. We witness Hans get his just deserts in 2 different ways. The first being Anna punching him in the face and the second being Elsa unintentionally sending a giant snowball to the Southern Isles, bumping Hans into a pile of horse manure.

#2: Randall Boggs- Monsters, Inc

Randall is probably the creepiest and most menacing character on this list. It was obvious from the start of this movie how much he hated Sully and how desperate he was to beat him at his own game. But the lengths he was willing to go in order to achieve this is low on so many levels. The lizard was willing to sacrifice and traumatize a bunch of kids to preserve screams. I don’t know how he got his boss to agree with this, but he did and the 2 became a force to be reckoned with. Randall may not be #1 on the list (which would definitely piss him off), but he is easily the scariest character. Thankfully, Randall is subsequently banished from his world to the Everglades where he will make a perfect punching bag for a bunch of hillbillies. But regardless of where he is, Randall Boggs will haunt your dreams.

Before I reveal the baddest of the bad, here are some honorable mentions.........................

 Phineas T. Ratchet- Robots              Kocoum- Pocahontas

-Another underrated character                                                            -This one is probably unfair

 Derek Dietl- Monsters Vs Aliens                   Tyler Nguyen-Baker- Turning Red

-Goodbyyyyyeeeee Derek                                                                     -What's a dorknard

#1: Gaston- Beauty & The Beast

No one’s slick like Gaston, no one’s quick like Gaston, no one’s neck is as incredibly thick as Gaston. Gaston was pretty much my immediate pick for #1 because not only is the dude a jerk, but he’s a total icon. Yes he has a lot of good qualities, but his bad qualities deeply outweighs them. He’s arrogant to the point where he not only thinks it will be easy to get Belle to marry him, but he thinks he’s entitled to Belle’s hand in marriage. So he tries to use her father as leverage to force her to marry him and even that doesn’t work. Gaston is also responsible for leading an angry mob to kill the Beast upon realizing Belle’s affection for him. Literally no one else could’ve topped this list other than Gaston. He may be a jerk, but it’s hard not to love him. And there’s no denying he’s got one Hell of a song.

Like always, the link to the Google Slides is down below. Thanks for reading.



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