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Top 10 Animated Movie Villains Of The 2010s


With Halloween coming soon, I figured now would be a good time to post this list I created sometime in 2019 (maybe earlier). This is a list of bad guys from animated movies released between the years 2010 and 2019. 

#10: Hal Stewart/Titan- Megamind (2010)

When we first meet Hal, he's the pathetic cameraman of Roxanne Ritchie, whom he clearly has a crush on. His life changes when he is accidentally struck by Metro-Man's DNA (aided by Megamind), resulting in him getting the supposedly deceased hero's powers. Hal is initially thrilled by this as he finally gets a chance to impress Roxanne. Hal is probably the most immature character on this list considering the only reason he went rough in the first place is because Roxanne rejected him, and even tried to kill her because of this. What's even more disturbing is that his lack of respect for Roxanne (as well as his selfish tendencies) was shown even before he got his powers. They just got worse when he got rejected. Hal was corrupted from the start. And to think he originally wasn't on this list.

#9: Wilson Fisk/Kingpin- Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse (2018)

I think we all know by now how I feel about this franchise. Wilson Fisk is an extremely rich New York gangster with an iron fist (and a huge one). He has one of his colleagues Doctor Octopus create a "super collider" so he can find another version of his wife and son after they're killed in a car accident. He blames Spider-Man for it due to his family running away from him after witnessing him and Spider-Man in a fight. While he is a tragic character, the man had no consideration for the damage he would cause to the multiverse (or Spider-Verse) or the city. He didn't care how much damage he caused as long as he got what he wanted. What makes his actions even worse is (though he does not appear in it) that it paved the way for the hot mess we witness in Across The Spider-Verse. Way to go dude 😒.

#8: Dawn Bellwether- Zootopia (2016)

Dawn is the first of 5 plot twists reveals on this list. She originally came off as this innocent sheep constantly being mistreated by her boss. Some of us were probably rooting for her when she began to rise through the ranks. Talk about a load of BULL. Not only is her innocent nature all a fluke, but she's the one behind the predators going berserk for no reason and is responsible for the city going against predators in the first place. Dawn is probably the smartest character on this list as her plan was probably the most well thought out of all these villains. She probably would've gotten away with it for a really long time if it wasn't for Judy and Nick. And if anyone remembers, she topped my Cartoon Movie Mean Girls list. Obviously she's not #1 this time, but she's one Hell of a sheep.

#7: Ernesto de la Cruz- Coco (2017)

Ernesto served as Miguel's idol for a majority of the movie. And after seeing Ernesto's guitar on a family picture, Miguel is under the impression that he's his great-great-grandfather. Though this seems like good news at first, Miguel soon gets a wake up call when he realizes that his icon is a ruthless murderer and backstabber who will do whatever it takes to achieve his goal. Not to mention he's not even his great-great-grandfather. Look, I understand that the music industry is cutthroat, but there are still certain lines you should never cross. Ernesto took it way too far in order to "Seize His Moment" at the cost of his best friend and partner's life and dignity. Hector would eventually get the respect he deserves and Ernesto would get his just deserts. But I don't like that it took a century (possibly longer) for that to happen.

#6: Drago Bludvist- How To Train Your Dragon 2 (2014)

Drago in my opinion is the best villain in the HTTYD franchise. Not only because of the personal torch he now has over Hiccup, but he also originally had that over Stoick. The fact that even Stoick of all people is afraid of him says a lot about this man on who he is as a person and a character. The man basically used dragons to promote terrorism (at least that's how I see it). He even had control over the so-called "alpha", that's something to be afraid of. And of course I have to bring up the fact that he killed Stoick, and with Toothless under his control. That scene PISSES ME OFF to this day. I know several people prefer Grimmel, and for understandable reasons. But Drago pushed it too far with so many characters. Hiccup, Stoick, Valka, even Toothless. With all due respect to Grimmel, I kind of wish Drago returned for the last movie.

#5: King Candy- Wreck It Ralph (2012)

This guy left me shaking. Originally known as Turbo, he originally had his own game and loved the attention he got from the kids. But when another game kept stealing his thunder, he decided to take it over, resulting in a virus and both games getting unplugged. Somehow he survived the ordeal and managed to take control over Sugar Rush, which was originally ruled over by my favorite character, Vanellope. King Candy is probably one of my favorite characters on this list because I was genuinely shaken by his reveal. His arch in my opinion was very well written and probably one of the strongest on this list. There's no denying that this man was willing to go through Hell and high water to stay on top, and he became the stuff of nightmares when he merged a cy-bug. Unless you're as strong as Ralph, I highly suggest you not mess with King Candy or his spotlight.

#4: Lord Business- The Lego Movie (2014)

Business appears to be living a double life as the President of Lego World and as a supervillain. He intends to freeze Lego World due to his unnecessary dislike towards Master Builders. Actually from what it looks like, his relationship with creativity is similar to my relationship with optimism (which is my natural enemy). Probably Business' worst action is killing Vitruvius, and in probably the worst way possible. There's no denying that decapitation is one of the ugliest ways to die. Never really thought we would see someone literally lose their head in a kids movie, especially in one as high spirited as The Lego Movie. But it did it with no shame or hesitation. However, Business is the only character on this list with redemption thanks to Emmet. So he's not all bad.

#3: Hans- Frozen (2013)

I think pretty much everybody knows this twist by now as in a way it is now the stuff of legend (both for better and for worse). Hans put on the act of the model prince in order to woo Elsa. Though Elsa was hard to crack, Anna welcomed Hans with open arms. He continued his phony gentlemen act until that one scene where he was alone with Anna (who was on the brink of death from her frozen heart), and we all know that iconic line. I think the worst part about Hans is how arrogant he was during that scene as he was so sure he was gonna get away with this. Of course he underestimated Anna and the love she has for her sister. I highly doubt I was the only one deeply satisfied with Anna giving him a good punch in the face. This is the third time I've mentioned Hans in a list. Ironically, the last time he was on a list, he was #3. I Guess 3's his lucky number.

#2: Mother Gothel- Tangled (2010)

Mother Gothel is kinda awesome (as a villain not as a person). This woman has an unhealthy obsession with staying young for the rest of her life to the point where she's willing to kidnap a baby after her only source of keeping herself young (the golden flower) is taken away. Not to mention she also abandoned her own daughter as a result (watch Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure). She's also more than willing to get her hands dirty considering she killed Flynn Rider (for 2 seconds but still). To be honest, Gothel is probably the messiest villain on this list as she crossed so many unforgivable lines for the sake of staying young forever. Her desires eventually come back to bite her when Flynn cuts Rapunzel's hair, resulting in Gothel aging rapidly and turning into dust (probably the most gruesome cartoon death of the last decade). It was really hard choosing between Gothel and my #1. But regardless of her placement, Gothel is easily one of modern Disney's best villains.

And like always, here are some honorable mentions.......................

 Lord Shen- Kung Fu Panda 2                     Tortoise John- Rango

-He killed Po's parents. Enough said                                                        -Him and my #1 are voiced by the same person

 Robert Callaghan/Yokai- Big Hero 6   The Moon King- Kubo & The Two Strings

-Predictable twist, but still messed up                                                        -This guy is INSANE!

 Vector- Despicable Me                                                     The Joker- The Lego Batman Movie

-Titan took his spot                                                                                    -Whackjob like always

 Nigel- Rio                                                     Pitch Black- Rise Of The Guardians

-Underrated as Hell                                                                                   -Again, underrated as Hell

 Aloysius O'Hare: The Lorax

-Let It Die! Let It Die!

#1: Lots-O-Huggin' Bear- Toy Story 3 (2010)

This guy PISSED ME OFF! I hated him with a burning passion and I still do, mainly because he is the one on this list who had us fooled the most. When we first meet Lotso, he seems like the wise, caring and understanding ruler of Sunnyside Daycare who treated all of his guests with respect. Then the Buzz incident happened and we witnessed the sick, twisted piece of trash he truly is (literally in a certain way). The reason behind this is because he was separated from his owner. And by the time he returned to her, it was too late. While I understand why he's so bitter, that's no excuse to put other toys through Hell. He was at his worst when he abandoned Woody and the others to die in the furnace. And if you ask me, his punishment wasn't harsh enough. I love Mother Gothel, but Lotso has a certain menacing nature that strikes harder with me than she does. He is by far the most intimidating and best villain of the 2010s.

Googles slides link is down below and the TikTok will be up soon. Thanks for reading.



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