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Well That Was Brutal 😳

The Bikeriders  finally came out last week after being delayed and switching distributers less than a year ago. Basically the movie version of Sons Of Anarchy (but a little bit more brutal), the film centers on a motorcycle club known as the Vandals. And things get very very ugly. The movie was great, and probably the most brutal movie I've seen all year. A good majority of these scenes were so hard to watch (physically and emotionally). Whether it's someone (mostly Austin's character Benny) taking a beating or other disturbing shenanigans. The dynamic in the club in my opinion is slightly less loving than SOA. While there is loyalty and care for one another in the club, I feel like they were slightly more reckless then SAMCRO. Not only within the club, but outside as well. The newer members in particular were kind of cruel, especially in an incident involving Jodie Comer's character Kathy. Though I will say that Tom Hardy's Johnny (the leader) is less sadistic than
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Glen Powell Surprised Me

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Even More Billboard

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Approved 👍🏾

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  Once again, no secular music for today;   Burdens Down - Tasha Cobbs I don't love the song but (like last week's) this is a very good song to get you pumped about worshiping Jesus. Tasha's good at doing that (listen to Put A Praise On It ). She's done better but this is a good song. Would I listen to it again, probably not. But I do recommend it for songs that will get you pumped about Jesus. Thanks for reading.

Top 10 Signature Songs

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Billboard Return

  After skipping last week due to lack of change in the charts,  Billboard returns with only worship music for today;   Windows - Pastor Mike Jr. I liked this song very much. I found it very catchy mainly because the hook for the chorus in my opinion is FANTASTIC. It works extremely well with the production as well as this guy's personality. He just sounds so happy to be worshiping the Lord (as he should be). This is also the most joyous song I've listened to this year. Perfect to listen to when feeling a little down on yourself and to pump you up about worshiping Jesus.  Thanks for watching.